Thursday, December 6, 2012

Counter top Clutter in the kitchen......

 I have conquered the pantry!!!! , ( see my post  An Organized Pantry )
Now on to the  paper clutter issue in my kitchen.  Despite signing up for everything possible to be sent to me online from my children's school, they still bring home tons of notes and paperwork  that need some kind of organization and my kitchen counter top  is not the answer!!! Can I get an AMEN!!!!  I can clean off that counter top and with in minutes it is covered.  Well it is not all paper work, but I thought I would start with tackling this first as it is easier than training my family to PUT UP THEIR STUFF!!!!!  Some of it is art that I put in a special binder in their room, some of it is information for me on  upcoming events and classroom info and some of it is homework or projects due at a later date. In addition I also have  all the schedules and rosters for their extra curricular activities and sports that we need to see daily.

When my husband and I remodeled, we had this small little area at the end of our cabinets that was not being utilized, so we decided to add a small kitchen desk ( with remnants left over from our slab of granite) and a small wicker shelf with drawers for extra supplies.  I store TO-GO MENUS in the bottom drawer and kids school supplies like markers, colors and extra paper they may need for homework in the others.

It is this space that has now become the answer to my paper clutter issue in my kitchen.  I have a personal office( well if you count the organized space I have created in our guest room closet) for our bills and my personal business organization. ( I will tell you all about that in an upcoming post). So this new kitchen system is just for me to organize my children's papers, activities and schedules.  I added a basket organizer with divided sections to hold folders with each of their names, a note pad for notes that I may have to send into school( I had some pre-printed with their name and my name so I can quickly send a note for each child) and pencils/pens for homework.

I then added a framed bulletin board  above the desk( which I made myself  from a ready made frame, some cork board and paint) as I could not find one at that time that was large enough.  Now of course I see them everywhere at Marshall's- Home Goods and Target.  I personalized it with each child's name and then put their schedules or important reminders in their own area.  This creates an easy,  quick glance at all our family's activities while still being organized and clutter free.

Kitchen Paper Clutter Conquered!!!!!!!
Now If I just could get my family to pick up the rest of the clutter on my counter tops.  One project at a time!!!!


  1. Love the clutter-free kitchen. I wish I could get there, but I just don't think it's in our DNA! (-:

    Great job and photos.
